Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome to GAY likes GUYS!

January 5, 2010

Ok, so this day marks the birth of GAY likes GUYS. Wow! LOL!

I would just like to say that I’m really excited about this blog, about its concept.

I get to meet lots and lots of cute and hot guys in the net ever since Friendster and MySpace came into my life. That was back in 2003. And from then on, I kinda have this “list” of cute guys that I meet online. Some of them became my friends (for quite some time), some didn’t (but I didn’t bother).

I also get to see tons of hot male models in various websites and magazines. I get to talk to some of them, but some of them are pretty snotty. Some don’t even bother to say a word back when I say ”hi.” LOL! But it’s ok, no biggie.

So, I kinda came up with this idea to put up a blog that will contain all the hot guys that I meet and see anywhere, anytime. I just want to preserve the “memories.” If you know what I mean. It will be like, “Hey! This guy’s cute! Look!” Poof! Post his pictures and his name and some little information and that’s it. I’m not gonna post his Facebook or Myspace or Friendster link, just to preserve his privacy as well, in a way. But if he’s a model, I could probably post his fanpage. I mean, c’mon, it’s just fan page.

There. Enjoy the posts! Enjoy my Tumblr! :)


P.S. I would like to keep my identity a secret. For now. :)

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